Andrew Chapel Cemetery

Vienna, Fairfax, Virginia, United States


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Andrew Chapel Cemetery is a non-denominational, well-financed cemetery dating to 1854. Lots and niches are available to the public A History of Andrew Chapel Cemetery In 1991 the association was incorporated in the State of Virginia. As a not-for-profit corporation the trustees became a Board of Directors with a slate of officers who are elected annually and as in the past, still remain volunteers. Financially Sound Corporation Presently, Andrew Chapel Cemetery is situated on five acres of property. Perpetual care of the cemetery is provided through the financially stable Corporation. The operation of the cemetery is supported by safe investments of funds from sale of the lots. Family-friendly Approach to Operations Andrew Chapel Cemetery board members maintain a personal interest in the operation and maintenance of the cemetery, with family members and life-long friends interred in the cemetery. We understand that the cemetery is a place for tribute to loved ones, and our policies reflect this commitment. Andrew Chapel Cemetery is a non-denominational, well-financed cemetery dating to 1854. Lots and niches are available to the public. In 1991 the association was incorporated in the State of Virginia. As a not-for-profit corporation the trustees became a Board of Directors with a slate of officers who are elected annually and as in the past, still remain volunteers. Financially Sound Corporation Presently, Andrew Chapel Cemetery is situated on five acres of property. Perpetual care of the cemetery is provided through the financially stable Corporation. The operation of the cemetery is supported by safe investments of funds from sale of the lots. Family-friendly Approach to Operations Andrew Chapel Cemetery board members maintain a personal interest in the operation and maintenance of the cemetery, with family members and life-long friends interred in the cemetery. We understand that the cemetery is a place for tribute to loved ones, and our policies reflect this commitment.
Andrew Chapel Cemetery , Created by prodigyman1970, Vienna, Fairfax, Virginia, United States